Hoje actualizei 3 links na minha ainda curta lista. São 3 endereços de páginas sobre coisas totalmente distintas. O link luminous-landscapes leva-nos a descobrir o mundo pela objectiva de fotógrafos que nos deliciam com fotos espectaculares. Espreitem as fotos na Islândia...
O blog retrosaria dos sonhos foi um blog que descobri muito por acaso e apaixonei-me pelos fofinhos Plukxxies! Para quem não souber o que dar à criançada (e não só), pode passar por lá!
Por fim deixo-vos o link para o projecto Tampinhas! Ainda não ouviram falar dele?! Então vão lá e aprendam o significado de uma simples tampa de plástico.
Today i've added 3 links to my blog, each one of them is dedicated to very different things. On Luminous-landscapes we can travel the world through the eye of photographers that present us with wonderful photos. Chech out some of the pics from Iceland.
The blog retrosaria dos sonhos, was one of my precious findings in the last couple of months. One just simply falls in love with the sweet Plukxxies. They can be a great present for kinds and not only (I wouldn't definitely mind having one! =º)) At last, but not least, quite the contrary, is one website about srew caps. They may seem quite useless to us, but when we get thousands of them together, we can make miracles. For every ton of these caps, someone may get a precious wheelchair! Think about it, and see if there's such actions where you live!
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